International Business With Internship

Practice what you learn and stand out in a competitive global job market. After completing core courses in the Master's in International Business program, dive into a 12-week full-time summer internship, applying classroom learning in a real professional setting.

Starting September 2024

Why do an internship?

Internships aren't just about gaining practical experience; they're your gateway to a competitive edge in the global job market. In today's fast-paced and evolving industries, employers seek graduates with a blend of academic knowledge and hands-on skills. When you choose the Master’s of International Business With Internship at any of our campuses in Boston, San Francisco, London, and Dubai, you’ll receive expert support from our dedicated careers team to pursue international or domestic internship opportunities based on your eligibility to work as well as your future plans.

  • Real-world experience: gain practical, hands-on experience in a professional setting, allowing you to apply academic knowledge to real-world situations.

  • Skill development: enhance essential skills, such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and time management, which are highly valued by employers.

  • Networking opportunities: connect with professionals in the field, build a network of contacts, and potentially open doors to future job opportunities.

Martica San Francisco tram

Read our blog to learn more about the benefits of an internship.


Travel overseas or stay where you study

The Internship Pathways were developed to provide you with maximum schedule flexibility, enabling you to work full-time during the summer months based on your eligibility to work as well as your future plans.

Whether your goal is to travel to a new country and gain international experience or you want to focus your time in and around your home campus to expand your network there, we have an internship option for you.

International Pathway

As soon as you finish your core courses for the Master's in International Business, you will have the opportunity to join a company for your entire summer term (12 weeks) in locations like Barcelona, Dublin, Singapore or Stockholm.

  • Available to US Citizens or Green Card holders
  • Available to British Citizens or permanent residents
Potentially eligible for 1 Year OPT (US)
2 Year Graduate Immigration Route (UK)

Domestic Pathway

Once you've complete the core Master's in International business course, you'll be able to join a company to intern for the entire summer term (12 weeks) near your home campus, ensuring a seamless transition into the local job market and deeper industry insights.

  • Available to students worldwide enrolled in Master's in International Business (With Internship), regardless of nationality
Potentially eligible for 1 Year OPT (US)
2 Year Graduate Immigration Route (UK)

Case Study

Making the most of your internship

Meet Feyi, a former Hult Master's student who turned her internship into a game-changer for her career. Discover the secrets behind her success, how she navigated challenges, built a valuable network, and leveraged her internship experience to launch her career.

Are you curious about how an internship can kickstart your journey to success? Read Feyi’s story for inspiration and understand the benefits of taking an internship during your studies.

Q&A with Katharine Boshkoff

We caught up with Hult’s VP of Global Career Development & Alumni Relations, Katharine Boshkoff, to get her insight into what makes Hult’s Master’s of International Business With Internship (MIBI) such a good option for students looking to stand out.

What makes the MIBI different?

The MIBI program takes core modules from our Master's in Interntional Business, which in itself gives a solid grounding on the practices and principles of business in an international environment. This coupled with the opportunity of an additional 12-week internship, will not only allow you to put learning into practice but also give graduates the skills and experience to stand out in a competitive global market.

Can the MIBI make me more employable?

Absolutely. Employers are looking for graduates with real world practical experiences who are ready to make an impact. Taking an internship will allow you to develop the technical, practical and business tools. Doing an internship in the specific role you want to pursue after graduation gives you a great depth of employability skills.

Should I consider the International or Domestic Pathway?

This will depend on your future career goals and your visa requirements.

For those who may struggle to get a visa, would like to increase their chances of gaining a graduate visa (OPT in US or Graduate Immigration Route in UK) or want to leverage the network and opportunities of their home campus the Domestic Pathway is the preferred option.

If you'd like to have a global internship experience, working away from your home campus of study, and you don't anticipate visa complications (as a US/British Citizen, Green Card holder, or permanent resident) the International Pathway may be the preferred option.

Speak to an enrollment advisor today to understand your options and which Pathway would suit you best.

Will my internship be paid?

12 week internships are unpaid. Internship sponsors invest time and effort in training and mentoring their interns. Internships are primarily educational and skill building opportunities.

If I apply to the program, are internships guaranteed?

12-week internships are very highly competitive. Your enrollment advisor will help you understand the preparation you need to do at Hult to compete and win one of these opportunities.

Well-prepared, highly skilled students who follow the accelerated Hult employability training program will be offered at least one internship in their role of interest. Students are welcome to source their own internship but all offers must be received and approved by Hult no later than March 15, 2024.

What type of company typically participates in the internship program?

For both the Domestic and International Pathways, internship sponsors are typically small and medium enterprises. Companies may be startups, nonprofits, or innovative high-growth small businesses.

These organizations tend to give students more individual attention and mentorship, as well as substantial responsibilities and growth opportunities. You'll likely find yourself working hands-on with challenging and rewarding projects. In fact, Hult has a track record of successful internships with such companies, where our students consistently learn and grow.

What locations are available?

12-week domestic internships are offered in the immediate region of your home campus of San Francisco, Boston, London, and Dubai.

International internships are offered in Barcelona, Dublin, Singapore, and Stockholm.

If you decide to source your own internship it must be in the region of your campus. In addition, we do not approve fully remote internships in this program. (e.g. You live in Boston, never travel to be onsite with your employer, and do a fully remote internship via Zoom to another city.) To maximize your learning experience, we have found that you need to be on-site with your employer.

If you opt for a remote internship, you can do so through our traditional format 2-credit program. Prior approval by your campus team is required.

What are the five biggest reasons to do an internship?

  • Practical Application of Knowledge: Internships provide an opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge you've gained in your coursework to real-world situations. This hands-on experience helps you understand how academic concepts translate into practical solutions.

  • Skill Development: Internships allow you to develop and refine a wide range of skills, both technical and soft skills. These can include project management, problem-solving, communication, teamwork, time management, and industry-specific skills relevant to your field of study.

  • Networking: Internships enable you to build a professional network within your chosen industry. You can establish valuable connections with industry professionals, potential mentors, and future colleagues, which can be instrumental in your career development.

  • Resume Enhancement: Having internship experience on your resume can make you a more competitive candidate when seeking full-time employment. It demonstrates to potential employers that you have practical experience and are familiar with the demands of the job.

  • Job Opportunities: Many companies hire their former interns for full-time positions after they complete their degrees. An internship can serve as a foot in the door and increase your chances of securing a job at a company you admire.

The world of work is changing faster than ever before. New jobs are emerging, existing jobs are changing, and talent is being challenged to learn new skills.

Katharine Boshkoff

Global Vice President, Career Advancement and Alumni Relations

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Career Development

Transform your career

We work with every student individually to set a targeted strategy, equip them with the right tools, and guide them on a clear path to achieve their career ambitions. The results speak for themselves.



of master's grads changed country, industry or function



of Hult master's graduates were employed after three months



of international students at US campuses gained employment in the US



increase in pre-masters salary 3 years after graduation, Financial Times, Masters in Management Ranking, 2022

Campus locations

Do global

Strengthen your global mindset and gain the power to leverage diversity as you work directly with students from an average of 30 different nationalities and a wide range of professional backgrounds. Choose one home campus or timezone and take electives at any campus with Global Campus Rotation.

Students looking to qualify for OPT or Graduate Immigration Route eligibility are required to study in the US or UK for their entire master’s program including summer internship.

Download Brochure

Download a brochure for an in-depth look at Hult’s master’s programs.

Communicate With Us Your Way

Our international team of advisors is here to discuss your individual goals and answer all your questions. How you get in touch is up to you.

Application Deadline - Round 6

September 30, 2024

Priority is given to those who apply by the deadline. Our enrollment team will support and guide you through the entire process.