Global-One Year MBA With Analytics

Maximize your employability—and your US work authorization—with a highly in-demand STEM MBA. Earn your Global One-Year MBA with a specialization in Analytics at no additional cost.

Why study a STEM MBA?

STEM degrees are among the most in-demand with employers worldwide and opportunities in the field of analytics are growing fast. The pressing need across industries for employees with skills in science, technology, engineering, and math, as well as business know-how, makes those with a STEM MBA some of the most desirable graduates on the global job market. When you choose the Global One-Year MBA With Analytics at any of our campuses in Boston, San Francisco, London, and Dubai, you’ll graduate with a world-class Global One-Year MBA and a highly in-demand STEM specialization in Analytics.

  • Climb faster up the career ladder

  • Stand out from local talent

  • Secure a spot in a high-demand market. Typical STEM MBA job outcomes: Business Analyst, Marketing Analyst, Financial Analyst, Consultant

  • Gain more time in international employment

  • Turn your Global One-Year MBA into a STEM MBA at no additional cost

Martica San Francisco tram

Read our blog to learn more about the benefits of a STEM MBA.


Your MBA With Analytics curriculum

Students can specialize in Analytics by completing the relevant core course requirements, all electives under the Analytics MBA, and one additional STEM elective (one elective course can be replaced with a STEM Analytics Internship and internship course during summer time).

Our programs are centered on real-world business challenges. Students take the knowledge and skills they learn in class and continually test them, and themselves, through practical application. Find out more about our curriculum.

Module 1: Design

  • Program Immersion
  • Personal Development
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Accounting for Managers 
  • Business Challenge 1: New Market Strategy Challenge
September - December

Module 2: Manage

  • High Performance Teams
  • Business Insights through Data*
  • Financial Management & Decision Making*
  • Applied Economics & Managerial Decision Making *
  • Business Challenge 2: AI / Decision-Making Challenge

*STEM modules

September - December

Module 3: Growth

  • Strategic Influence
  • Data Visualization*
  • Global Operations
  • Operational Analytics*
  • Meeting Sustainable Development Goals
  • Business Challenge 3: Global Communications / Sustainability Challenge

*STEM modules

January - May

Module 4: Impact

  • Leading with Purpose
  • AI and the Future of Work
  • Global Business Strategy
  • Project Management
  • Business Challenge 4: Impact Challenge
January - May

Summer Term: STEM Electives

In the summer terms, you’ll choose 5 STEM related electives. These are subject to change but sample STEM electives could be:

  • Elective Course 1: Python Programming
  • Elective Course 2: Digital Marketing Analytics
  • Elective Course 3: Machine Learning Models
  • Elective Course 4: Presenting and Persuading with Data
  • Elective Course 5: Data Visulization & Analytics (additional STEM elective)

To be eligible for STEM OPT in the US all electives have to be taken in the US, while on other campuses rotation is possible.

May - August

Our commitment to you

Lifelong learning is part of Hult’s commitment to our graduates and we are happy to see so many of you take advantage of the lifelong learning offering every year.

As Hult alumni (including Ashridge, ADL, and Huron alumni), you are entitled to come back to Hult's classroom once per year to take an elective and skill up. Every year, we offer over 100 different courses in a variety of current subjects, and 600-800 of you come back to study with us. Find out more here.

OPT Opportunities

Increase your eligibility to work in the US

Not only does this program increase your employability worldwide, but you can also be eligible for up to three years of post-graduation work authorization (OPT) in the US. You must study in the US for the full year of your MBA and go on to work in a STEM analytics-related field. Non-STEM graduates are only eligible for a maximum of one year OPT in the US, so you gain a real advantage if your goal is to work in the US. With up to three years of work rights in the country, employers feel more confident hiring a STEM-educated international. The employer knows that if things go well, they can invest in you and plan to have your experience for three years or even longer. And you get more time to build up your skills in an international role.

Hult International Business School San Francisco Campus - exterior

Q&A with Katharine Boshkoff

We caught up with Hult’s VP of Global Career Development & Alumni Relations, Katharine Boshkoff, to get her insight into what makes Hult’s STEM MBA such a good option for students looking to stand out. 

What makes a STEM MBA different?

The Analytics MBA offers a powerful combination of skilling in two core disciplines: business fundamentals, including leadership, strategy, marketing, finance, and operations, and business analytics which includes how to analyze, communicate, and persuade with data. MBAs seeking rapid career growth will be expected to have mastery of analytics and the ability to use data to drive business insights and conclusions. Most importantly, all MBAs looking to move into roles of higher impact must have the skills to effectively use information to deliver compelling and persuasive management proposals and recommendations (for example, using data in support of selling ideas to management.) Students also acquire basic skills in creating and preparing data sets for further analysis.

Can a Analytics MBA make me more employable?

Absolutely. With the digitization of information, processes, and payments, data is at the core of most business transactions. Employers expect newly hired MBAs to have the competencies to analyze data and information. Many MBA STEM graduates take business roles focused on understanding an organization’s business operations and needs and using data to identify problems and opportunities for improvement. Anyone wanting to make a strategic impact or rise quickly in their career must have skills in data analytics.

Should I do a STEM MBA or a Dual Degree with an MBA and a specialized master’s?

The Analytics MBA provides solid skilling in how to analyze information. This intense program offers students a balanced combination of business skills and analytics. The Analytics MBA offers the same visa advantages as Hult’s MBA and Master’s in Business Analytics Dual Degree (but enables you to complete your education approximately six months faster.) This allows you to minimize time out of the employment market.

The Analytics MBA is ideal for students who are looking to take on business roles that involve the use of data. It does not focus on the development of sophisticated coding techniques. Students looking to do more work on preparing data sets should consider our Master’s in Business Analytics.

What are the five biggest reasons to do a STEM degree?

  • Secure a spot in a high-demand market: For all job seekers, mastery of high-demand skills qualifies you for more jobs. Talented job seekers with scarce skillsets get hired faster and often at higher pay. As of January 2023, even with slowdowns in some global economies, the data analytics market continues to multiply, and employers struggle to hire sufficient staff to meet their needs.

  • Stand out from local talent: Internationals seeking to work outside their home country need to be better than the local talent. Analytic skills plus a business background in areas like supply chain, finance, or marketing can boost you above your competitors – local job seekers.

  • Gain more time in international employment: In the US, STEM degrees offer graduates the possibility of longer-term visas. With up to three years of work rights in the country, employers feel more confident hiring a STEM-educated international. The employer knows that if things go well, they can invest in you and plan to have your experience for three years or even longer. And you get more time to build up your skills in an international role.

  • Make strategic impact: Top analysts have the data analytics skills to identify trends, solve problems, and form business strategies. This powerful tool kit empowers you to offer data-driven insights to your manager and the managers above. Even those in early career roles can start to develop insights that impact the business.

  • Fast climb up the career ladder: Increasingly, the analyst role is an entry-level job and is a job seeker’s onramp to a new employer. Once hired, becoming known as a great analyst helps you build a reputation of impact within your team or the business. Since analytic skills are helpful in the two main functions of a company—creating products and services or selling them—you position yourself for a choice of future roles, including options for a rapid climb up the career ladder.

The STEM MBA offers a powerful combination of skills in two core disciplines: business fundamentals, and business analytics.

Katharine Boshkoff

Global Vice President, Career Advancement and Alumni Relations

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Career Development

Transform your career in one year

We work with every student individually to set a targeted strategy, equip them with the right tools, and guide them on a clear path to achieve their career ambitions. The results speak for themselves.



of MBA grads changed country, industry or function



of Hult MBA graduates were employed after three months



increase in pre-MBA salary, The Economist, Which MBA?, 2021



of international students at US campuses gained employment in the US

Campus Locations

Gain a global perspective

Strengthen your global mindset and gain the power to leverage diversity as you work directly with students from an average of 30 different nationalities and a wide range of professional backgrounds. Choose one home campus and take electives at any campus with Global Campus Rotation.

Students looking to qualify for US STEM OPT extension eligibility are required to study in the US for their entire MBA program including summer electives.

Download Brochure

Download a brochure for an in-depth look at Hult's MBA programs.

Communicate With Us Your Way

Our international team of advisors is here to discuss your individual goals and answer all your questions. How you get in touch is up to you.

Application Deadline - Round 5

September 7, 2024

Priority is given to those who apply by the deadline. Our enrollment team will support and guide you through the entire process.